One of Balise Consulting’s primary services to clients is Strategic Technology Development and Infusion. We analyze a corporation’s current state and help them to think strategically about future  investments. We work with our clients to identify challenges that must be addressed, determine gaps in capabilities, create strategies for developing the required technologies and capabilities, and devise strategies to infuse those technologies at the right time. We use innovative technologies to help address current and future challenges facing organizations, the nation, and the world.  Below is a sampling of services provided in this area:

  • Large Scale Research and Development Portfolio Management [portfolio analysis and oversight, performance management, technology/capability analysis and development, product-line analysis, and much more]
  • Technology Roadmaps [forward-looking strategic planning of technology development efforts, future strategies and insights]
  • Technology Infusion [identifying and applying technology solutions to address your organization’s challenges, intellectual property, global/ITAR issues]

Fostering Innovative Environments [assessing corporate environments and making recommendations for proven methods to better engage employees in innovative thinking/approaches]